Signs Your Vehicle Needs Auto Repair

The average lifespan of a vehicle is 12 years or 200,000 miles.Your car will start showing signs of damage and deterioration no matter how well you take care of it. But luckily, you can try to extend its longevity a little bit more with reliable auto repair in La Jolla.

When do you need auto repair in La Jolla?

·         Squeaky brakes

Brake pads are one of the most crucialparts of your vehicle. They also wear out easily, more soif you use your car frequently. If you notice squeaking sounds or grinding noises coming from your brakes, get them checked as soon as possible. If you’re lucky, you’ll only need to replace the brake pads.

·         Shaking steering wheel

Does your steering wheel shake when you drive? Most people brush this issue off, thinking it’s simply their car running over an uneven road. However, a shaking steering wheel can also be a sign of a worn-out ball joint stud or tie rod, making the vibrations even more excessive on bumpy surfaces.

·         Odd smells

Do you notice a strong odor coming from your car? If several car washes don’t already do the trick, this could be a sign to go to the repair shop. Some odd smells to watch out for include:

o    Rotten eggs or sulfur, indicating a damaged catalytic converter

o    Maple syrup is a sign of an ethylene glycol leak from your radiator or cylinder head

o    Burnt oil, a sign of an overheating engine, or low levels of transmission fluid


Other issues to watch out for in your car include strange noises, flashing warning lights, stalling, and trouble starting. Look for auto repair in La Jolla as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your vehicle. Moreover, ensure the repair shop offers a wide range of services with reasonable prices and free estimates.



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